Tag Archive | Blog challenge

Counting Your Blessings โ€“ A Challenge for All of You

On the blog over at SPP this week, Veronica wrote about how important it is to count your blessings, especially when times seem dark. And then she challenged not only our readers, but specifically called Sean and I out to take part as well. Challenge accepted. J

It was kind of funny because she came to me, looking for potential blog topics. I tossed a few her way, and this is the one she chose. So very timely! This week has been especially stressful for me for a number of reasons, and I’ve been feeling pretty down. You know that feeling, where you feel like nothing is going right and you’re not sure how things are ever going to go right again. (I know they always DO, but it doesn’t always feel that way). Yep, that’s been my week. We’re going to ignore the fact that it’s only Wednesday.

So here goes, a list of my blessings:

1. I have a home. It’s small, and I complain about my neighbors, but I’m pretty blessed to have a comfortable home that fits my needs.

2. I have an amazing family, especially these two. This is my brother Alex and his girlfriend, Michelle, and we’re all super close. I really don’t know what I’d do without them most days. They’ve been there for me through thick andย ย  thin, and even as I write this, my brother is detailing my car. Why? Because he wants to. He’s pretty awesome like that.

3. I have a job. I might complain about it sometimes, but it’s definitely one of my bigger blessings, and probably should have been mentioned before #3. I’ve been here for 13 years, my entire adult life. We are more than just coworkers, and more than just friends. We are family, and like my real family, we’ve seen our shares of ups and downs through the year, but we always stick by each other. My bosses are incredible, and more like parents than bosses. What more could a person ask for? Oh yeah .. that’s right. I get to spend my day around beautiful flowers. Amazing, right?

4. I’m in fairly good health. I stumbled a little bit earlier this year when I had to have my gallbladder removed, and I’m still adjusting to that, but for the most part, I’m pretty healthy. If you don’t count the fact that I develop a sinus infection from hell every time I book an airline ticket. Seriously, body, get a grip. Vacations are a GOOD thing, really.

5. I have AMAZING friends. Likeโ€ฆyou don’t even know. Be jealous. Everyone should have the awesome support that I do. I don’t know what I’d do without my girls in my life. No matter what’s going on, or how long its been since we’ve seen each other, when one of us has an issue, we’re all there, no questions asked. That’s pretty damn cool.

6. This guy, right here. Sean. They say that everyone comes into your life for a reason, and I firmly believe that. Such an odd and random chain of events brought us together, and I couldn’t be more grateful. Not only is he one of my closest friends, but he’s a killer photographer and I’m proud to be joining him and building SPP into something truly amazing. He also should have been listed somewhere before #6, but I guess I was saving the best for last. I’m really, really blessed to be on the path that we’re creating for ourselves. ๐Ÿ™‚

So .. when all seems dark and you think that life just isn’t gonna get better, take a few minutes to remember all the ways you’re still blessed. Better yet .. right now, take a few minutes and think about all the ways you’ve been blessed. Leave your list in the comments, and then pass this along. Challenge your friends to count their blessings as well. The world just might be a little happier if we all took the time to do this.

Day 27 of the 31 Day Blog Challenge – A quote I try and live by

Welp, I missed yesterday’s post, so I’m making up for it today. I’ll post yesterdays now, and today’s a little later tonight. I was waaaay too tired to even think about blogging by the time I got home last night. I was spent the day with my brother and sister-in-law. We attempted to go fishing, but of course the minute we pulled into the park, the bright sunshiny day turned to gloom and rain, lol. But we stayed for a couple hours, my brother got some decent casts in, and I ventured out on my rollerblades. We’ll talk more about that later, lol.

All of that ties into the quote that I try and live by every day. It’s nothing grand, nothing wordy. It’s quite simple, actually.


“The trouble is, you think you have time” ~ Buddha


It’s true. You always think you have time. How many times have you said “Eh, that can wait til tomorrow” or “In a few minutes”, and put off going somewhere, or relaxing with family because work, or housework seemed more pressing? I had a pretty harsh reminder a few years ago that you can’t count on tomorrow, that some things really shouldn’t be put off. So, don’t put off til tomorrow what you can do today. (Unless it’s laundry. That can always wait.) That leads into one of my favorite quotes, which is:


“Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forget about the one’s who don’t. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.” ~Unknown


So…yeah. Get out there and go fishing with your family today. The housework can wait til tomorrow. ๐Ÿ™‚




Day 26 of the 31 Day Blog Challenge – My favorite food

My favorite food? All of it. Seriously, though, I don’t think I can pick a favorite. There’s not a whole lot that I don’t like, and that makes it super hard to narrow down what I like the best. These days, I suppose my favorite food is whatever doesn’t upset my stomach, lol.

I loooove Mexican food, but it doesn’t love me at the moment. Most Italian food is high on the list, since I have an obsession with pasta. Comfort food is a favorite, too…meatloaf, homemade soup, chicken casserole….YUM.

What’s your favorite???

Day 24 of the 31 Day Blog Challenge – My Most Embarassing Moment

Well. I honestly don’t know. I can’t think of anything bad enough that I can classify it as my MOST embarrassing moment. I’m sure there were some doozys from my middle school/high school years, since I was pretty awkward and PAINFULLY shy. However, I seem to have repressed those memories ….and for good reason, I’m betting. I’m sure if we asked my brother, he could come up with some pretty interesting stories.

So … in lieu of an embarrassing story, I’m just gonna post a photo of myself that I find relatively embarrassing. Not real sure how old I was, mid-teens, I’m guessing. And I’m DEFINITELY not sure what in the hell I was doing. Or thinking, lol.

*long drawn out sigh*

*deep breath*

Here ya go:


Day 22 of the 31 Day Blog Challenge – What I Do When I’m Home Alone ;-)

Well, to be perfectly honest, it’s not all that interesting. I don’t run around naked, there are no reenactments of the scene out of Risky Business where Tom Cruise slides across the floor in his socks…nothing that cool.

If I’m at home, in the house, chances are, I’ve got the laptop in front of me. I do a lot on the computer. I read everything from blogs to my Nook books, watch TV on it, I’m an avid gamer, and I spend a ton of time going through photos and studying ways to build an awesome photo business.

Or…you could walk in and find me painting my toenails, singing along to Celine Dion. You just never know ๐Ÿ˜‰

Day 12 of the 31 Day Blog Challenge – Something that I Miss

Oddly, this topic fell on Mother’s Day, so I thought it was only appropriate that I write about my Mom today. This July, my Mom will have been gone for 13 years. It’s right what they say, that time does lessen the pain, and heal some wounds. Missing her is no longer a knife to the heart, and memories of her spawn a bittersweet smile.

I was only 17 when a post-surgical blood clot took her life, so it’s fair enough to say that I never really knew her. She and I were still struggling with the typical mother/teenage daughter issues, and hadn’t really SPOKEN. I knew her as my Mom, I didn’t know her as Carla. For example…it was just the other day that I learned that we have the same voice. I was watching a home movie from 1989, and if I hadn’t SEEN the words coming out of her mouth, I would have thought for sure I was speaking. I never knew her like that, adult to adult. I think that’s what I miss the most…the chance to get to know her. To have that special bond that mothers and daughters have.

I don’t need a special day set aside to miss(or honor) her. I missed her plenty when I got married. When I had my children. When I lost those closest to me. I always miss her โค

And now, a few photos…

On her wedding day, in 1980:

CarlaFlowers copy

Holding me, in late 1982 or early 1983(I can’t tell how old I am here, and I’ve never seen this photo before, lol):


My high school graduation, in 2000:


Day 6 of the 31 Day Blog Challenge – Your Last Random Act of Kindness

Hmmm…..while I don’t believe myself to be unkind, I’m having an awfully hard time coming up with the last time I was RANDOMLY kind. I have something in the works, but if I post it here, the secret will be out, lol. Maybe I’ll to a “To be continued….” on this, and update you when its been completed.

It IS pretty cool, after all…. ๐Ÿ˜‰

So, instead, let’s see what you’ve done lately. Leave a comment below, and share your last random act of kindness. ๐Ÿ™‚

I’m back!! Day 1 of my 31-Day Blog Challenge!

So, it’s been awhile since I blogged on a personal level. (I have posts up over at Sean Purcell Photography that I’d LOVE for you to check out!)

I’ve separated from my old blog, since I want a whole new start to my blogging life. I’ll delve more into what I’ve been up to in future posts, but for now, I want to keep this simple.

I was inspired to create a new blog when I came across this while searching for a Photo-A-Day challenge:


Now, I know that says “March”, but I found it now, and May also has 31 days in it, so what the heck. Here goes.

Day 1 – A self portrait, and 5 random things about myself.

Me (taken tonight):


And now, 5 random facts.

1. I own two cats, but five live in my home.

2. I adore butterflies.

3. I loathe Mother’s Day.

4. I love the smell of spring rain(and a blizzard)

5. My eyes change colors.

Aaaand there you have it. Day One down.

See you tomorrow!!