A very Pinteresty day!

So, I’ve felt very Suzy Homemaker-ish today, lol. It started at work, where it was Bring Your Favorite Dessert Day (Yep, we’re cool like that and have frequent potlucks and made up days). I completely forgot about it, and brought nothing. I’d found a recipe for a No-Bake Ice Cream Cake (because there are seriously ice cream cakes you BAKE out there….?) that I thought looked super easy, and super yummy. Everyone was bummed, so I promised I’d bring it tomorrow. I took a look at the recipe, and made my shopping list for this evening. I was reminded by the recipe just HOW SIMPLE it looked, and decided to run to Kroger on my 10 min break, and make the cake today. And that’s what I did. Guys, seriously, this cake is awesome. Especially for how quickly and easily it all went together. Oh, and the best part? All of the ingredients totaled less than $9.00. I’ve found my new go-to summer dish to pass. Here’s the link to the recipe and some photos of each step.

Drizzling a layer of the “shell” topping works like glue 🙂

Aaaand the finished product!! My brother didn’t even believe I made it. He thought I bought it, lol. Sheesh .. like I can’t make nice things. <wink>

Hah! Perfect!

Look at those gorgeous layers!


All of that had me feeling very into the whole Pinterest thing, so I was showing the girls at work some of the other recipes that I’ve pinned. Aaaand I decided to bring one of them to life for dinner. I know, right? I made an ice cream cake AND a real dinner all in one day? Pretty crazy. But I used to do this stuff all the time. Really. I DO love to cook, I just have a hard time getting excited about cooking for one. My brother was excited to hear that I was gonna try THIS out for dinner. Stuffed pepper, Philly Cheesesteak style. Yum!

This was super simple, too, as long as you have the patience to let the veggies caramelize. If you don’t … well then, have less yummy veggies. But check it out, five main ingredients:

Yes, I bought pre-sliced mushrooms. Don’t judge.

Chopped veggies all ready to caramelize!

Mmmm… caramelized onion juice seeping into the roast beef.

Aaaand the peppers are stuffed!

Topped with cheese and ready to bake!


So much yes.

So, what have YOU gotten all Pinteresty about and had it succeed? Now that both of these have turned out so well, I’m sure there will be more projects in my future, lol.

PS. I almost forgot! I made these chocolate covered strawberries off Pinterest for my family’s Independence Day Party. They were a huge hit, I’ll be making these again, too.

Red White and Blue Strawberries!!

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